Saturday, May 2, 2009

Alternative to thorium reactors


Maxfelaser TECHNOLOGY the Alternative to thorium reactors

Laser Power Systems has spent more than 20 years in the quiet research and development of Uranium or thorium-fueled High-energy and Ultra-High energy laser LPS is now ready to make its research public for the first time in history - safe, clean, affordable, abundant, carbon-free energy on a global scale.

In the past ten years, computer technology was developed that allowed us to move thorium forward as a viable fuel source.

  • The LPS MaxFel fueled Thorium laser can produce electricity for less than $0.02 per kilowatt-hour

The natural abundance of thorium, its low cost of mining and milling, the low volume of waste produced, and its lower long-term radiotoxicity mean that the LPS MaxFelaser systems.

  • uses fuel that—mass for mass—is 500 times cheaper and produces about 18 million time more energy than Coal.
  • has less than 50% of the capital costs, based on a design philosophy of robust mechanical simplicity

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