Saturday, May 2, 2009

Take action now!

Take action now!
Laser Power Systems is developing new cutting edge technology to meet the world's energy needs. Commercial applications will soon be available. Laser Power Systems has the best, most versatile technology to safely burn thorium in a wide range of applications that no other technology offers including the replacement technology for the internal combustion engine.
Help Laser Power Systems become a reality. We need your voice to reach the decision makers across the globe that can help us bring this amazing new technology that can produce an unlimited amount of power for both all application of electrical power including transportation to the world. Let everyone know you want to see Laser Power Systems powering your homes and cars, end our dependence on oil, coal, and large nuclear power plants and improve our planet for future generations.

Batteries do not end the use of fossil fuel as you must “charge them” therefore they merrily shift the burden to the power grid running up the cost of electricity to every one and stretching what is already an old out of date system and increasing the use of coal fired power plants that are already the major cause of green house gases and global warming. Batteries weather installed or replaceable requires building a lager new infrastructure that will cost billions.

Hydrogen suffers from the same problems plus hydrogen being very explosive and dangerous to handle adds even more cost to its use.

Hydro power (dams) have just about reached there limit in that there is hardy a river in the world wreath damming that has not been.

Nuclear power (uranium based) is by far the most dangerous power generation technology and the most too expensive to build and maintain.

New Thorium base large nuclear power plants are much safer, but still can melt down, are targets for terrorism, requires power transmission line infrastructures which is the main reason for power outages.

Wind and solar are good technology but have very limited applications.
But combined with LPS, would be the best of both worlds. The LPS systems will either reduces or eliminates all of these problems. They are scalable from small units less than 1 kw and as large as 100 mega watts or more they are highly versatile can be used in just about any application.

• No new infrastructure required
• Power grid
• Transportation
• Industry
• Homes
• Business
• Air craft
• Space
• Ships

These systems offer a long list of advantages:
• Emissions free
• Safe to operate
• Cheap to build and operate
• Decentralized distributed systems
• Lager centralized grid based systems
• Back up or Stand by systems
• Scalable From 1Kw to 100 Mkw
• Mobility for use in transportation systems
The LPS systems are scalable from small units less than 1 kw and as large as 100 mega watts or more they are highly versatile can be used in just about any application.

• No new infrastructure required
• Power grid
• Transportation
• Industry
• Homes
• Business
• Air craft
• Space
• Ships

These systems offer a long list of advantages:
• Emissions free
• Safe to operate
• Cheap to build and operate
• Decentralized distributed systems
• Lager centralized grid based systems
• Back up or Stand by systems
• Scalable From 1Kw to 100 Mkw
• Mobility for use in transportation systems

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    My major is laser engineering in university.
    I want to know more about thorium laser (It's mechanism and ...).please introduce a source for It.
    Thank you very much.
