Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thorium MaxFeLaser Propulsion System

Thorium MaxFeLaser Propulsion System

There's been another small spate of news articles in the past couple of weeks about Thorium, due to its safer and more environmentally friendly characteristics in comparison to Uranium.

LPS has made design advancements in the developmental research of Thorium as a controlled sub-critical nuclear fuel -- particularly Magnetic contained Accelerator Driven sub-critical laser based reaction systems.

LPS’s Thorium lasers potential for use as a controlled sub-critical nuclear power source might one day make it suitable for space propulsion. LPS in visions a MaxFeLaser Jet propulsion system that could be used to power a single-stage spacecraft to travel directly from the Earth to the Moon or the stars. LPS MaxFeLaser power systems harnessed to spacecraft propulsion system, would result in unlimited launch vehicle size and payload lifting capacity? I'm imagining you could build a launch vehicle the size of a Supertanker or the Empire State Building, if you wanted to.

Putting this much higher energy density fuels to work would create a completely new flexibility in the design of aerospace craft. (Not just spacecraft, but even large high-speed heavy-lift aerial intercontinental cargo transports to service our global economy.)

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